Individual Tuition (One tutor, One student)
- Our Tutor-Student co-ordinator identifies a student’s learning requirements and matches these with a tutor with regard to knowledge and availability.
- The scheduling of lessons is flexible and by an agreed arrangement between tutor and student.
- Lessons are undertaken at our training room at East Lindfield. In some situations lessons can be arranged off-site, for example at a library or at the student’s home.
- Tutors are available to tutor in many devices and applications such as PCs, Macs, smart phones, iPad and Android tablets, Microsoft Office, file management, email, web browsing, social media, various commercial and entertainment applications.
Small Group Discussions
- Small-group discussions among members are held regularly at East Lindfield. These are moderated by a tutor and numbers are limited to the capacity of the training room (around 8).
We have 2 regular groups:
• a group focusing on iPhones and iPads held most Tuesdays at 4pm
• a help session focussing mainly on Windows and Android phones held at 10am most Fridays - Groups focusing on other topics are held on an ad-hoc basis. Members interested in participating in any of the discussion groups should phone Judy on 94169049 or email
- From time-to-time workshops are conducted on specific topics. These are designed for a small number of members to work together with the guidance of a tutor to advance their knowledge and competency in a particular area. Scheduled workshops are notified in the Recent News section of the Home Page.
Regular Forums
- These provide the opportunity for all club members to meet and hear a speaker on contemporary technology uses and trends. The forum concludes with a social gathering around afternoon tea.
- Forums are held four times a year, on Thursdays, at 2pm in the East Lindfield Hall
Joint tuition (one tutor, two or more students)
- Students may arrange their own group (eg friends and relatives) and approach the club for a tutor. All students would be required to be members.
- Tuition fees per student are reduced for joint lessons.
- This works well if all participants are interested in learning the same material. It has the advantage that students can help each other reinforce their learning. Also it provides the opportunity for students to explore on their own with a tutor present.